How to Stay Motivated When Starting from Scratch as a New Creator

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Initial Excitement phase

The first few weeks/ months as a new creator is exciting and frustrating. You have a lot of ideas, you are too busy to think, and you are riding that wave producing at a high level.

This is the time you want to form a solid foundational routine for yourself. I outline and step by step routine for content production in the Part-time Creator course here. As a new creator the biggest thing I struggled with was understanding the importance of setting my weekly routine. By setting a routine you are not just being consistent but you are giving yourself (no way out) if you don't feel like creating anything or if life starts to get in the way (which it usually does).

Most people I work with tell me they almost quit or they did quit because they were not prepared for the "reality Check" of things getting boring or stale.

My content creation routine was complicated at first but over time I have learned how to simplify that so it is easy for me to do week to week and never miss. You want to match this calendar with your digital product creation for more sales and better results long-term.

Start by carving out 1 hour at least 3x a week of focused "new content" time. In this hour you should set a goal of creating x amount of content.

Example: Between 6-7am MWF I am going to create 5 short videos, 1 article, and 1 newsletter every week.

You can then predict numbers and results for yourself monthly, quarterly, and yearly. This is how you can scale your business long-term while keeping yourself in a creator flow.

In the next section we start discussing the “Reality Check phase” This is the most important phase as this is where you will either quit or stick it through to long-term success.

The Reality Check Phase

The reality check phase in your content creation is where most "unprepared" people quit. This is the time period after the initial excitement has worn off and you are left wondering why you even started.

This is where I started having doubts when I first started and it was enough to cause me to quit multiple brands. This could have been avoided with the right understanding and preparation. Prepare yourself that in 90 days the adrenaline will wear off and you will possibly start to get bored. If you are ready for this to occur you will not be shocked when it does. Have 3 months of content prepared and scheduled ahead of time to combat this. In the content creator course I show you the importance of this routine and how to set it up for your specific use cases.

Use the excitement of starting as a new creator to get ahead and prepare for when that excitement wears off. If you budget your time correctly you can create enough content in your first 90 days to last you another 90 days pre planned and scheduled.

When you start to get stagnant you can fall back on this content while brainstorming and coming up with new ways to make your message fresh instead of allowing the doubts to creep in and possibly quit altogether.

Sustainable Growth Phase

As a new creator you will go through the initial excitement phase first for about 90 days, then the reality check phase where you start to doubt your message, and finally you will hit the sustainable growth phase.

The trick to get to this phase is to prepare your content and pre plan while you are in that excitement phase. Once you hit the growth phase you want to focus on 2 main things:

1. Content Calendar: You should always be at least 2 months ahead in your content planning, writing, and scheduling. (There will be times you need to re charge or re invent your message and this ensures your content flow doesn't stop)

2. Mastering Analytics: Use social media analytics to measure impressions, follows, and your own link tracking on sales, subscribers, or products. I use analytics to measure past results but most importantly to give myself motivation that this is working, people are joining, and I am selling products.

We all go through these phases so it makes sense to learn how to go through them well and learn from each phase.

Use the initial excitement to set your foundation and your content routine.

When the reality check phase sets in you will be prepared to squash any doubts and come out stronger/ faster than most people.

Hitting the sustainable growth phase is not all smooth sailing but you have made it through the rocky times when most quit and you have a solid plan being worked with months of cushion in place if you need it.

When you are Ready Here Is How I Can Help You

1. Part-Time Creator Content System: Learn how to build a better content system for your brand and business. Content strategy, psychology, and hands-on learning to master your content and get more growth.

2. Part-Time Digital Product System:   I will teach you how to build highly profitable easy to create digital products. (Ebooks, PDF’s, downloadables) Once you understand how, what, and why to create you can start targeting your products to solve your audience's specific problems.

3. Digital Business Growth Stack: How I run my business with no employees and Spend only a few hours a week.

4. Book a 1:1 Video Call With Me: I offer 15min coaching calls where you can ask questions and get real-time guidance on your digital products, content creation, newsletter, or your personal brand.

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