Learn How To Run Your 1-Person Digital Business Without Needing to Hire Anyone Ever!

⚠️ Before you start reading the Articles I like to Share my Tech-Stack with You as it is a Core to My Growth. (This is not a course… See Below 👇)

This is one of the first things I like to share with you before you start reading the articles as it seems to be a pressing need. Many of you have asked me to put this together for you with a few actionable tools I utilize to run my 1 person business on a day to day basis. (I teach on some of these products in the courses but this is meant to give you faster access if you are a new subscriber or just want to implement this into your existing business quickly)

If you are going to run a successful digital business selling 1 product or 1000 you want to make sure you have your Sales funnels, Pages, Checkout, and Marketing running to perfection.

Leaving this to chance is a sure way to less sales and losing potential customers.

You are putting in the work to create the products and create content marketing the products so why leave your selling and promoting to chance?

I only share with you what I am currently using, have tested for at least 1 year, and believe will benefit you the most.


  • I do not pay for a sales manager $2000 a month

  • I do not pay for a marketing manager $1500+ a month

  • I do not pay for a web designer or graphic designer $1000 a month

  • I do not pay for a bulky course platform $300-500+ a month (my old system)

  • I do not run Social media Paid ads $2-5000+

I spend about $500 a month to run most of my business and these tools help me do that in a few hours a day.

- Chris San Rocco

Please read this first

Please read each write up below as I give you real world use cases (I use each product actively in my business and do not just randomly recommend things to you) I am not an “affiliate marketer” but I do partner with a very select few companies that I personally use with much success.

*As I always say.. do not just jump right in and buy a service before doing your due diligence and seeing how it fits into your current business configuration. (Use the free trials where available also as a testing ground) What works for me may not be the best fit for you but you won’t know fully until you try.

Message me if you get started with any of these and let me know how you like them…

Beehiiv Newsletters: (30 Day Free Trial) This is my newsletter management platform. I recently switched over to this from my old set up which was not bad but I am getting %40 more growth with Beehiiv. If you want to run a paid or free newsletter and monetize it quickly this is for you. I earn an additional %25 in my income a month from their boosts and ads feature alone that was not available on my old platform.

Run the numbers in your business:
Example: if you are bringing in 500 subscribers a month and not monetizing them in the initial sign up funnel you are leaving $1000’s on the table (Like I was)

500 new subscribers a month x $5 Each is $2500 you could be earning passively without needing to sell a product or charge for your newsletter at first (this is huge for most people) when you set up Beehiivs boost system (news recommendations + Ad sponsorships)

Thrivecart 1 Click Checkout (Lifetime Deal): I teach on this in the Part-Time Digital Product System Course and it is what I use for all my students. I use Thrivecart for my students, courses, dashboard, and my affiliate program.  

I can confidently say if you want the simplest system to set up, no website required, that generates you 1 click profitable sales funnels then give this a try.  

My old platforms (systeme io and shopify) were doing the job but either had too much or not enough and lacked in areas I needed. I was paying upwards of $500 a month at one point just to run my courses. Now I run the lifetime deal and the savings alone for me is well worth it. (If they have a lifetime deal take it you won’t regret the decision)

Hypefury for Social Media (14 day free trial): Hypefury is your Social Media Second Brain Assistant. Hypefury helps me write for social, generate ideas, cross-post, and build my distribution network on autopilot.

I schedule social media 1 year in advance which frees up 50+ hours a month for me to focus on creating valuable content and refining my courses for you. If you are not using a social media scheduler, writer, and cross-posting again you are leaving a lot of money out there.

Example: If you get 100k impressions a month on a social media platform x %1 joins your newsletter, makes a purchase, or subscribers = 1000 new people into your business on some level. If you sell a product for $50 even that can equal $50,000 in sales on 1 product when you are promoting and marketing correctly. (if it is even %10 of that number that’s still $5000 passively when you do the right content marketing)
(this all works because I use a tool to help) It still takes work but once you set this up it runs itself.

Tip: Get the Business program if you can as it is unlimited scheduling which is the main reason I use it.

Upgrow for Instagram (%30 off): Upgrow is a social media Ai growth tool to help grow your Instagram/Threads. No bots, no fake followers, no passwords. Organic growth by real-human IG experts & patented AI.

Guaranteed growth – or your money back. I don’t recommend many social media growth services but upgrow is the only one I use to help with instagram growth.

Again run the math for yourself: If upgrow can help you add x amount of new people a month into your network passively you can take %1 of them into your business without doing anything on your end but setting up the tool .

Lets say you get 5000 new followers a month x %1 = 50 new people in every month buying something or subscribing . x that by the cost of your product or course and you see how this adds up.

I add to this list as I try new products periodically. I also teach on some of these products in the Part-Time Academy Courses you can find more info here if interested.