This 1 Mindset Shift can Help you Earn More as a Creator

Earn More as a Creator

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In today's creator economy, there is no shortage of opportunity for content creators to monetize their passion, to monetize your skills. Many creators struggle to reach their full potential, their full earning potential, which is often held back by a common limiting belief. There is good news. The good news is a single mindset shift can dramatically improve your financial success as a creator.

That crucial shift is this, stop thinking of yourself as just a content creator and start viewing yourself as a business owner.

Now at first glance this may seem like a minor distinction, but its implications are big and they are far reaching. Let's explore why this shift is so important and how it can transform your approach to your creative career.

So how can you start embracing the business owner mindset when you identify as a content creator?

When you focus on being a content creator, it's easy to fall into the trap of focusing solely on your craft. You are going to pour your energy into producing high quality video, high quality podcasts, maybe artwork, maybe writing, believing that if you build it, they and the money will come.

This shift prompts you to ask some critical questions. These questions they will help in shifting your mindset from that of a creator to that of a business owner. Ask yourself these questions now and take some time to really think this through. This will have benefits for you in the long run. 1st question, who is my target audience?

How Can I Reach My Audience More Effectively?

This is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself as a creator. Focusing on that target audience is your core. I talk a lot about target audience, matching that with your products, matching that with your brand. When you take the time to really get into your target audience's needs, into their wants, into their problems, then you can craft your content.

How did I come up with those problems? Those are the problems I had when I was starting out, those are the problems I had when I was building and growing, and those are the problems that I have found my audience wanted to solve. So what did I do? I spent my time working on solving those problems for myself first, and then creating systems to help you solve those problems. When it comes to finding your target audience, go back to your problems and you'll be able to narrow that down.

How Can I Diversify my Revenue Streams?

When it comes to your revenue streams, everyone will be different here. What I would recommend is this, first identify the problems. Once you identify the problems start to create content around those specific problems, solving those specific problems.

As you go and create content, your audience and what you go through will identify where you can create paid products, paid courses, you can create digital downloads, you can create ebooks, and I have a whole course on that on digital business, you could check out in the description.

Focus on the problems, let your audience tell you what they're looking for within those problems, and use that to set up revenue streams for yourself, whether that's products or downloads, whether that's a membership site you can set up where you add to it weekly, add to it monthly, whatever that may be, you can set up these different revenue streams based on hearing back from your audience.

How can I scale my operations to increase output and income?

Back to solving problems everything goes, when it comes to scaling the operation, the scaling will occur over time of you posting consistent good content out that solves your audience's problems, your audience will ping back to you and identify the niche targets within your niche content, you will build products around those niche problems that your audience is identifying, and as you grow as the content goes out consistently, more people will follow, more people will subscribe.

As that builds, as that grows, you will naturally expand, organically expand, and this is how we build and grow through social media, through organic platforms versus paying 1,000s and 1,000s of dollars for ads to get the same result.


Remember something, the most successful creators in the digital age today I believe are those who really focus and fuse their creative talent with their business knowledge.

When you make this mindset shift, you're taking the first step toward really elevating your content, elevating your brand, and I believe you will be unlocking greater potential, greater financial earning potential, greater potential to grow and build your audience and continue to do that with the mindset and with the systems developed to take you as far as you'd like to go.


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